Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Many many years agoI took Spanish. 2 years in high school and 1 year in college. I just never really got it, though. The professor once said that you will know you're getting fluent when you start dreaming in Spanish. That never happened to me.

An interesting thing HAS started happening to me in the last week, though. I'm dreaming in art.
Yes, you read that right. I have a dream and whatever I look at in the dream I begin to see in terms of how it's drawn.

My closet:
The angle of the door that sits part way open. The heaviness of that line in comparison with the more delicate lines of the hangers and clothes inside.

My dinner:
The ellipses of the plate in perspective. The way it sits up off the table.

My toothbrush:
When held this way how large the head of the brush would be in the drawing with the far end diminishing down to nothing.

I think I'm becoming fluent in art.

Either that or I've been spending way to much time doing it.


Abby said...

I think this is the point where you need to stop and re-evaluate your life. Or lack of it... Art is for people who can't do math and don't like people. Oh wait, I know at least 2 people that describes... just kitting!

Becca said...

You are definitely the creative type! You should run with your thoughts!