Yesterday she took him back to the vet. The nice doc sewed Burns eye shut!
It looks worse than before, in my opinion, but today Burns is driving me nuts! He wants to go outside SOOO badly. He follows me from room to room mewing and pawing at all the doors. I can tell he feels a lot better, even though he looks like he's been through the wringer.
Joni says if they had to sew it shut permanently she was going to start calling him "Patches O'Houlihan" or "Captain Winky". I'm pretty sure they were able to save his eye, though. I think he had so much pressure built up around his eye socket that it was causing him pain before, so he just layed there, but now?.....He wants to get on with his huntin' and prowlin' and stalkin'. It's nice to see him get back to normal. It might even be worth it when we get the vet bill.
Aww. I do like Catpain Winky. He won't come when you call him, but it's a cool name. Well shoot, cats don't come when you call 'em anyway, so what difference does it make?????? Glad he's feeling better.
Ouch (squirm) poor old guy :-P
does sound like he's feeling better, though.
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