Sunday, December 28, 2008

Let it Stop, Let it Stop, Let it Stop

My titles seem to be reprises of Christmas songs.

I'm getting a bit sick of the snow, though.
Oh sure, it looks so pretty. The trees are all frosted and serene. All the ugly dead grass is covered up in the sparkling white stuff. And cold weather has never bothered me. But I'm getting pretty dang tired of shovelling the stuff. I hurt my back a few days ago trying to lift more in my shovel than I should have. I've been very careful since then. Mike borrowed a snow blower and we've been taking turns with it trying to catch up. I worked for over 2 hours, all the while the snow continued to fall. By the time I finished there was another couple of inches blanketing our very long 200 foot driveway. I quit anyway. I was tired. This morning our neighbor brought over a bobcat and scooped out some more snow. He actually did more harm than good, though. The heavy bobcat combined with the chains on his tires caused the layer of snow already on our driveway to be broken up. It was a mess when we tried to go to church this morning. We almost got stuck in the driveway. At church we asked that very nice neighbor if he wouldn't mind coming over one more time and scooping away the sloppy mess. He came. It looked great. And now there's more snow predicted for tonight. If the dang stuff would just fall on the trees and the fields it wouldn't be so bad. Just keep off the roads. Is that too much to ask?
I guess I'll go to bed so that I can be rested up for another marathon session of snow shovelling tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I have dirt cheap labor I could loan ya. All you have to do is feed 'em. That's 1/2 the battle, tho.

Lisa said...

Sheesh, do you want snow or don't ya? Just be glad the students aren't back yet, or we'd have a bunch of fender-benders to deal with also.

mitchowl said...

Very true, Lisa. Very true. That is going to be a mess I haven't yet considered.
Thanks for the offer, Joisey. I think I can just keep employing my slave labor here. I'm not sure your "cheap" labor would be so cheap if I had to feed them. Especially your youngest.

I didn't wake up to more snow. I woke up to MELTING! That's going to be interesting. I'm so glad we got our driveway scraped down to the dirt. At least I won't have to slop through slush as badly.

meg said...

Selective snowfall~ sounds like an appeal & profitable idea :-)