Monday, August 18, 2008

The New Me

August was supposed to be my month off from work.


There's a reason I'm still working, but I don't really want to get into it right now.

Let's just say that I've been feeling a bit picked on. I haven't been anywhere, I haven't hiked, the summer's hot, money's tight, blah blah blah.

One day last week I woke up and thought to myself,
"Self, what do you want to do today?"

and I answered,
"I'd really like to sew up a skirt that's been cut out and sitting in a box for a year."

I asked,
"Well, why don't you do it today?"

and I answered,
"because there are so many other things that should be done."

So, I very wisely told myself,
"Those things are also things you chose for yourself to do. You don't need to do everything at once. Just think about today and choose something that you want to do today."

Wow, I had a little epiphany right then. I was right! All those things that have been causing me stress because I haven't been getting to them are just items on my list. And I can edit it at anytime.

So, I did some quick housekeeping chores and then I sewed up my skirt. Joni said it was "BEE-UTE-IFUL". (I'm still trying to decide if she had a sarcastic tone to her voice when she said it.)

And you know what? The next day I CHOSE to shell some peas out of my garden, and play with the pumpkin vines.

The next day I CHOSE to start a counted cross stitch. (It was so relaxing! I can't believe I thought I was too busy to do it.)

And today, I chose to do another illustration. I'm excited. I worked on it this morning before work, and I'm headed off to finish it up in a few minutes. And I'm killing two birds with one stone because this illustration works for both Watercolor Wednesday and Illustration Friday.

I'm getting so smart I don't know if I can stand myself. Ha ha


Unknown said...

I've neglected my knitting. I've not finished the placemats I started. I've met a few new teachers. I've taught a few life's lessons. Know what? Tomorrow is another day.

Lisa said...

You sewed that one! Nice job! I thought you bought it at some fancypants store!

emiflute said...

This is spmething I'm gonna try to keep in mind also. It has felt like life has been living me lately rather than the other way around. Good for you. By the way, the past few times I've come to your blog, it brings up the closet overhaul post and shows nothing of anything more recent. I have to click on August in the archive to see your new stuff... weird.

meg said...

This is the reason I remain (relatively) sane in my (incredibly) insane life- I tiny bit of selfish goes a long way to feeding the soul. We all need a little something to look forward to & enjoy everyday, otherwise, where's the joy?