Sunday, March 8, 2009


I taught a new song in Primary today. It is the song "My Eternal Family". The words start out like this:
"I am a builder
working each day
to build my family."

I had a hard hat and a big construction worker's tool belt.
I told the kids that we were going to play a little game. They had to guess what I was. Then I turned around and put on the hard hat. They all started guessing,
"construction worker"
As soon as I heard the word builder I said, "That's right! I'm a builder. What do you think I build?" They started guessing,
I told them that construction workers build houses, but I was a builder. What do I build? I build homes. One little boy said that houses and homes were the same thing. I told him we were going to learn how to build a home instead of just a house.

I told them I brought my home building tools with me. I brought out the tool belt and started pulling out tools.

The first tool I pulled out was some knee pads.
"What do you think I use knee pads for?"
"to protect your knees when you're up on the roof."
"that's what a construction worker would use knee pads for, but remember, I'm a home builder. What would I need knee pads for?"
They finally came up with the word I was looking for, prayer. I told them that to build a good strong home they need to spend a lot of time on their knees in prayer.

Then I pulled out some lip balm and asked them what this tool would be good for. These kids caught onto the game quick and offered things like, "say nice things, praying".

I pulled out a saw and asked the question again. They were a little stumped, so I asked them if they have ever argued with their brothers and sisters. And if they had ever heard their mother tell them to "cut it out". We need to cut the arguing out of our houses to make them homes.

I rapped my knuckles on the hard hat and asked them what does this tool do for a construction worker. They all knew the answer to that and started calling out all the things that could hit the poor guy in the head if he wasn't wearing a helmet. I asked them what the hat would do for a home builder and they were once again pretty smart.
"keep out bad thoughts, bad words, and bad things on tv or movies"
They knew that to have a strong home they needed to protect their minds from the bad things of the world.

I then pulled out a wire wisk and some scriptures. I told them that they needed to be able to feed their bodies and their spirits in order to help build a strong home.

Then we learned the words to the song and they sang it with enthusiasm. We pantomimed using the tools to the beat of the song as we sang each line. For instance we pretended to pound a nail with a hammer, or saw with a saw, or drill a hole. It really seemed to help keep the rhythm and their interest.

They were all very interested and involved. It was a good singing and learning experience.


Becca said...

You sound like such a great teacher!

Abby said...

You forgot to mention that I was your beautiful model!

mitchowl said...

Yes, Abby was my tool belt holder. Good job Abby.