Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New York Times interviewed ME!

Yes, they sought me out and interviewed me yesterday. Can you guess why?


Unknown said...

Because David is a Dork?

mitchowl said...

That's a very good guess, but no. I don't think they've heard about David.
This has absolutely nothing to do with my job.

Shannon said...

Because they love your idea of drawing your blessings each month? (I love it too and wish I had 1/100th of your talent!)

mitchowl said...

You're sweet, Shannon, but it doesn't have anything to do with my art.

Dory said...

I have no idea but I can't for you to tell us!

Lisa said...

They want to do an interview on bizarre animals with bizarre names and the families who take care of them?

mitchowl said...

Oh, Lisa, you are so close, but no, that would be the show "Lifestyles of the Poor and Pathetic".

Actually, since I know you are all on pins and needles I will tell you. About 5 years ago I joined a website called Minnie Pauz which is like a support group for women going into menopause. The life editor from the New York Times contacted Minnie Pauz and wanted to get ahold of some people who had been using progesterone cream or other bio-identical hormonal therapy. I've used progesterone cream for 8 months now and so they wanted to know all about little-ole-me and my experience with it. I don't know if or when the story will run, and I don't know if they will use my interview at all, but they might. I'll have to wait and see.

Lisa said...

Cool! Thanks for relieving the suspense!

Becca said...

That is so cool!

Brenda B said...

Oh! I thought it might be because of the potatoes. That's pretty amazing, Linda.