Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ana's Sunset

Contrary to popular opinion around here, I do not have to be the one to run outside as the sun sinks toward the west, with camera in hand. I can appreciate the efforts of others just as much. Our awesome student secretary took this one. I asked her if I could "borrow" it. She graciously consented. It's only natural that we Idahodians look upward during the winter months. (Actually Ana is Brazilian, but that's beside the point.) The ground here is mostly white and sometimes boring. You have to look up to see color.

Day 4 of the great workout challenge:

Mike: 3

Linda: 3

Joni: 5

Andy 1.5


Dory said...

Nice shot Ana!

Anonymous said...

hey! hi! just checking in with you!

Abby said...

You're losing? Way to go... But I did see an awesome sunset last night! Too bad I was at work otherwise I would've taken a shot!

Becca said...

Very pretty shot!

How are you doing?
