Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Alaskan Sunset

My mom, who is in Alaska visiting my sister, saw this sunset as they were driving from Anchorage back to the house. She thought of me and snapped this photo. My sister just e-mailed it to me tonight.
Thanks for the photo Mom! And thanks for sending it, Catherine.

Day 2 of the great workout challenge:
Mike 2 points
Linda 2 points
Joni 2 points

I start my Creative Perspective class tomorrow morning at 7:45 am. It's a testament to how badly I want to take the class that I am willing to get there by 7:45. Everyone in the geology department seems to be in frenzied hyper-drive. I really did try to prepare early for the semester. I thought I had everything under control, but I guess when you throw in a bunch of first-time classes it puts everyone on high alert. This semester the entire GE program is almost phased out. A new concept called "Foundations" is being implemented. We had a soft-start on it in the fall. The professor who taught it said he thought it was an awesome class, and it about killed him preparing for it all semester. This semester we've got 6 more professors doing them. I have a feeling we're all going to feel stressed out all semester.


Abby said...

I tried to find you in your office, but you weren't there! Oh well. Hope you had fun in your class!

Becca said...

Have fun in your class!