I almost forgot that my dog has a Twitter account. Apparently it got hacked and Twitter sent Oscar a message to change his password. While perusing through his postings I thought it might be good to put them all on here, kind of a "get to know Oscar" kind of thing. They are listed chronological with the newest on top and oldest on bottom. Oscar hasn't posted since March 2012? What a lazy dog.
Oscar Dog
@LordOscarFox in with hens. I scare it away with ferocious barks from safely inside the house. I'm a hero.- Yesterday we had five visitors, all of which I had to bark at furiously. Today I'm exhausted.
- Laying on my back with 4 paws dangling limply in the air & tongue hanging out the side of my mouth means I'm supremely happy, not dead.
- I sit, lay, shake, & roll over as fast as I can hoping one of those tricks is right & will get me a treat.
- My hair's so long I eat it with my food. Get a clue, people.
- Big wedding here tomorrow. Half pint people chasing me all day. TIRED!
- I just not a morning dog.
- My girl is well trained. I woof, she lifts me up, I bark, she gives me a cookie.
- Fried Chicken for dinner! .... I mean,picked off chicken skin and gristle for dinner! Yummmmmm
- I know what you're spelling. You'd better give me a cookie too.
- Recovering from knee surgery. They make me walk! It's ruff.
- I get grumpy if I don't get my daily 18 hours of sleep.
- New chew toy for Christmas. Awesome squeek, interesting flavor, fits my mouth well. Good job Santa.
- Time to dust off my paws and tweet. I've been recovering from surgery. Blew out a knee chasing rabbits. Dang bunnies....
Oscar Dog
@LordOscar- What don't I like about going for long walks? the walking.
- Cabin in the woods tomorrow. I get the bed.
- Chasing a baby bunny under a shed - good idea. Getting stuck - bad idea.
- Dog-gone it, I'm hot!
- I shall survey all of my domain, until nap time.
- Short walks = good. Long walks = I better be carried.
- Spring is in the air. Where are the poodles?
- Wading through tummy deep snow plus long fur equals clumpy snow legs. and one very cold puppy dog.
- Red alert, red alert. small boys coming tomorrow. Must find hiding place.
- Just because the santa suit dog coat was 75 percent off doesn't mean you should buy and put it on me. I look ree-diculous.
- They made me walk around the block today. A COUNTRY block! In the SNOW. Twice! They are trying to kill me.
- New human in the house. Must investigate. Sniff, sniff, owns cat of the female kind, 2 years old, fresh from a jaunt through the woods. hmm
- The small humans are gone now. Whew.
- Recipe for disaster, Mix a 3 and 1 year old and pour into my domain on Christmas day and you get one grouchy grizzly bear of a pup.
- Tummy rubs equal doggy prozac. Its cheaper and calms rub-ber and rub-ee alike.
- Steak for dinner. I must use my jedi mind tricks. He will give in and toss me some.
- I find that my man cannot resist my intent stare while he eats chicken. He always gives in and tosses me some.
- I love my kitty friend. And her ears are delicious to chew on.
- Its a cuddle with my mama kind of night.
- Shes cleaning out the fridge. Old chunks of steak. Yessssss
- I have my dignity. I refuse to beg. ....unless theres steak for dinner, or someother kind of meat, ...or food.
- I freezing. Got to cuddle with the kitty, and maybe chew on his ears.
- I hate going outside to pee in below zero temps. That christmas tree in the living room is looking tempting.
- too much pacing today, my dogs are barking. um, I mean my paws are a teeny weeny bit tender.
- Its Sunday morning people. Jeez, cant you let sleeping dogs lie?
- Cold night. I think I need to cuddle with the cat. Come here kitty kitty.
- Busy day. Slept on couch, slept on floor, chased cat, ate treats, slept on bed, ate treats, slept on chair. Whew!
- The only thing better than a dog bone is 2 dog bones!
- Roll over and fall out of bed? I meant to do that.
- My family came home. Im so excited. Im wiggling and squirming. Ive lost my dignity, but I cant help it. I love my fam.
- deep fat fry, deep fat fry, music to my ears.
- Turkey! and lots and lots of leftovers. and lots and lots of people to throw me a piece. Happy day!
- Im just a little snuggle bunny.
- Men working in front of the house. Blood Pressure rising. Must protect the castle. Must eat the men. Or at least bark at them...all day.
- Its freezing and snowing and he expects me to pee where? Id like to see him go out in the snow.
- They took off my sweater AND my collar. I feel so naked!
- I love weekends. More people around to toss me bones, and chunks of meat, and other goodies.
- All this talk of being a cat or dog person. What a lot of hooey. Im a dogs dog. You just be a mans man and give me a treat, pronto!
- She just took my blanket away. Grrrrrrr She needs a reminder about who is top dog around here.
- Go ahead, toss me kitty yum yumm. Treats is treats!
- It's not only a dog's life, It's MY life!
- I love going for walks. Its not my problem that my paws were barking. and I had to be carried home.
- Monday morning blahs. My man needs to be quieter when he gets ready for work. I need my beauty sleep.
- Yea, roast beef for dinner. I must practice my sad hungry puppy eyes.
- Hard work never killed anyone.....but I don't want to take any chances.
- Catnip must be yummy. Pa Cat wont leave it alone. I'll try some. Mmmmmmm....taste like cardboard.
- Ears are my favorite chew toy. Especially kitty ears. I just wish the dang cat would hold still longer.
- Move over man. Your stealing my pillow.
- "nick nack patty wack.........." My new favorite song.
- Why do I take my dog food 1 mouthfull at a time into the living room to eat? Cause it tastes better with the carpet fuzz mixed in.
- My radio fence collar is off! inch forward, inch forward...no beeping.....I'm free!!!
- Every time I stand by the cupboard my man goes in the other room and gets me a cookie. I've got him well trained.
- "Ding Dong" ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF LET ME AT THE INTRUDER! I WILL KILL HIM! oops, my man forgot the key after our walk and I'm the intruder.
- Doorbell! Must bark, must bark, must defend my castle.
- Flat noses. Perfect for bumping my man's leg when he brings home fried chicken. Evolution rocks.
- Lhasa Apso's are SUPPOSED to have long hair. I'm naked now and it was 17 degrees last night. What was my man thinking?
I forgot you had this! Are you going to keep it up?
I don't have anything. And I'll ask Oscar if he plans on continuing his tweeting.
This is bizarre...
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