Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just Start

I was in a group of people. We were waiting. I had a pencil and a pad of paper with me. I looked around. There were some very interesting faces. They hardly moved as we waited. I started to draw. It felt pretty good. It's been a long time since I've drawn anything. I was quite startled to realize that what I was drawing was really good! I thought to myself, "why haven't I been drawing for so long? I'm pretty dang good at it!" The faces were captured on my pad, one after another.

The waiting ended. I hurriedly put away my pad and pencil and stood up.

and then I woke up.

I think it was a sign. I need to start drawing again, whether I feel like it or not.

So tonight, after cleaning up another vomit mess and feeling drained that after a week my son was still sick, I went in the studio.

I got out my pad, and my pencil, and I started to draw.

and I thought to myself, "why haven't I been drawing for so long? I'm pretty dang bad at it!..........but I'll get better."

And you know what? It felt pretty dang good.


Steve said...

Our department is full of hidden talents! My button-holes are working out quite smashingly.

Anonymous said...

If a thing is worth doing at all, then it is worth doing poorly . . . until . . . you can develop the skill . . . to do it with excellence.

Unknown said...

I think it was a sign. Keep drawing! I love your posts. You're so funny. :)

Lisa said...

Way to go! and Andy needs to go back and take Vomit 101 if you still have to clean up his messes. Don't get piggy flu from him!