Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bike Tunes

Every night about 8:00 I get this song stuck in my head.

So, about 8:30 or so, I go and get Old Betsy, and start peddling down my driveway.

Then this song immediately pops into my head.

(I even have a basket on my bike, and have been known to ride in a skirt.)

After going around the roads in front of my house I come dragging in to my driveway with this song in my head.


Lisa said...

You are hilarious. I love your bike by the way!

emiflute said...

That was very enjoyable. Riding my bike make me sing little songs to myself as well. :)

Anonymous said...

For checking this site, I was rewarded two weeks in a row. I may start checking semi-weekly.

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lolgamegold said...
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