In my digital illustration class this last week we learned how to use the free transform tool. With that tool you can distort images. I was once again reminded that when you are in an art class you should check your dignity and pride at the door.
There were cameras on the computers in lab, so he instructed us to snap a photo of ourselves, distort it and then using it as a pattern, paint it in photoshop. Taking the photo was bad enough. Anyone who knows me will be able to testify that I hate having my photo taken. The fact that I'm posting them all on here, along with my terrible caricatures proves that I am fresh out of pride. Oh yeah, he also told us we had to use the eyedropper tool to get the colors for our painting directly from the photo. My first one was definitely purple. I never looked good in purple anyway, so that didn't help my self-esteem much.

The very next class period he told us to do it again. I hated my first one, so I snapped another photo.

Then I distorted it and started painting. Wouldn't you know it, purple again. And why did I make myself look like this. When I showed Joni later, she said, "why did you make yourself look like an ogre?"
Good question, Joni. I don't know. I didn't finish it, cause....... DANG, I'm UGLY!!!

Yesterday, at home, I grabbed my good camera and held it out in front of me and snapped another photo. I looked at the color. YEA! Flesh tones!

I took it into Joni's computer, cause it has photoshop, and tried to do a little more flattering distortion.

Then I painted away. This is the one I posted on my other blog, Mitchowl Studio. They bring my blog up in class and show it on the projector.

If you want to see some other fun caricatures, you can go to the
Mitchowl Studio blog and click on the links on the right side. Those are all my classmates. They don't have any pride left either.